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How To Create Amazing Mobile UI Animations

Animations for interfaces are an integral component of every digital product, application, or website. Think about how seldom you see an application or website that doesn't have at least one aspect of an animated interface. In this article, from a designer's point of view, we will explore why you need animations, what to remember when making them, and how to create animations for mobile apps.

What Do You Need To Know About Ecommerce Business License In Dubai?

In today's convenient focus and competitive world, people no longer want to go to busy streets looking out for the products they want to shop. Instead, they want to shop sitting at their convenient place avoiding all the hassles. Even a few months ago, people used to go out shopping for the experience, but with the pandemic situation which we are going through, they have completely shifted to online shopping, which makes entrepreneurs be more serious about ecommerce business.

AWS Re-Invent 2020- What’s New

It is here at last! AWS re:Invent is an annual event where all the innovative services and improvements they have been working on during the year are laid out by the fine people at AWS. We’re happy to say that we've seen some long awaited enhancements and some amazing new updates to some key AWS services. We’re going to sum up all the big announcements from Jassy's 3-hour long keynote in this blog post.

11 Latest UI/UX Design Trends That Will Reign in 2021

Using engaging, trendy, and aesthetically pleasing UI/UX designs can run extra miles to persuade visitors to stick to your website for a long session. You need to comply with UI/UX design trends to outperform your competitors and build a powerful presence in 2021.

8 Trends Shaping Mobile App Development in 2021

Are you ready for the changes in mobile app development in the coming year? Especially for a Mobile app development company based in Dubai, it is extremely important to keep track of the latest developments in this arena. So without further ado, here are the top 8 trends that will shape the mobile app industry in 2021.

Top Magento Development Trends To Follow in 2021

Magento is a popular platform widely used by ecommerce development companies in Dubai as their preferred choice. In order to extend an advantage on their rivals, startups & founders are still to provide the best possible Magento services. Let us read in depth about the many enticing emerging trends in Magento development in 2021.

Ecommerce Trends in the UAE That Will Be Dominant in 2021

The UAE enjoys multiple benefits that make it perfect for growth in eCommerce. A young internet-savvy community, with strong social media use, consists of the user demographic. These individuals are more inclined to invest time online than any of their counterparts worldwide. Hence, it becomes important to analyze the trends in the UAE eCommerce sector that will dominate in the next year.

20 Trendy Mobile App Ideas for UAE Business Owners in 2021

Before developing a mobile app and opening a startup, you must identify your audience, understand their needs, come up with a feasible plan, and finally choose a mobile app development company in Dubai. We’re here to facilitate your market research by suggesting the best trendy mobile app ideas for UAE business owners in 2021. You can achieve your business growth goals easily by following the right trend that matches your interest and expertise.

15 Creative Brand Design Ideas That Will Set the Trends for 2021

In this era of the internet, your brand design is the first thing that can make a good impression on your audience. Many of the successful 2020 design trends will continue this year too along with a few brand new ones. Here, we gathered the best brand design trends for 2021 to help you stay relevant to the viewers’ eyes.

Ecommerce SEO Guide for Beginners

Yes, there are ways to get paid traffic, but SEO aims to help you get more organic traffic. It’s not easy to appear on the first page of search results, only ecommerce sites optimized with the best SEO practices will reach the top. Don’t worry! Here I’ll discuss the basic steps of ecommerce SEO for beginners.

Role of Social Media Integration in Mobile App Popularity

Social media platforms are on the rise and when used to promote your mobile app, it can be a very powerful tool in making your app viral. The purpose of this article is to highlight the role of social media integration in making an app popular and successful.

7 Ways Augmented Reality is Transforming the Ecommerce Industry

AR enables users to try a product/filter virtually in real-time in a real-life setting. This technology has the potential to bring revolutionary changes to the ecommerce world. Keep reading to know how augmented reality can transform ecommerce for betterment.

The Role of Big Data in Inventory Management

When your business is all about selling tangible products, inventory management comes into play to make a big difference. Big data analysis can ease this entire process to improve inventory management. Read on to know the impact of big data in inventory management

How AI Can Improve The Functionality Of Taxi Booking Apps

In today's smartphone app development industry, Artificial Intelligence has been an important component. On-demand taxi booking applications have since gained a prime role in both the industry and the devices of the consumer. Artificial Intelligence (AI) is widely used to streamline dynamic and time-consuming operations in taxi applications.

What Is OKOMMERCE And What Are Its Key Features

OKOMMERCE is an enterprise eCommerce platform designed to serve the needs of a large scale enterprise. So how does this enterprise ecommerce platform work? Find out in this article.

15 Proven Ways to Attract Visitors to a Website

SEO is critical to generating traffic to a website. Depending solely on SEO isn’t a good idea. An all-out effort incorporating every available channel is the best strategy to follow to get significant visitors to a new website. You’re more likely to get high-quality website traffic from diverse sources.

Importance of Color in UX Design

While certain colors in the UX style are uniform, other colors they are paired with may have a significant effect on the understanding of users. It is not possible to ignore the emotional effect of interface shades, including their classification, symbolism and choice.

Development Cost Of A Food Delivery App Like Talabat

Food delivery apps are all the hype right now. This is the high time to develop on-demand service apps. In this article, we will talk about the development cost of a food and grocery development app like Talabat.
