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How to generate Lead and What is Customer Psychology in Dubai, UAE?

“So Let's talk on Client and Customer psychology and how that can help you make a Lead Magnet.”

How to Design a Website for the Best Customer Experience in Dubai, UAE

Dubai-a very lively city with millions of transactions going on every day, is so ahead in advancement that it is extremely difficult to design a website for its market. People residing in Dubai experience premium user experience in different sectors so as a website designer you have to look closely at different aspects before designing one. At Royex Technologies, we are running our Website designing company in Dubai, and we know best with our professional experience in this field how to design a website with best Customer Experience.

Website Development Things We Need to Focus in 2020

Web technology trends are immensely growing and swiftly evolving in its lifetime since its inception. This development in web technology have proven to be really constructive and have helped very much reaching out vast numbers of people. One can reap benefits of technology by implementing in its early stages and not in its peak. Therefore, it is necessary that you pay heed to the website development trends 2020 and incorporate these learning into web development plan/ website development plan at the earliest.

Data Analytics Technology Trends in 2020

Data analytics technology is frequently imperfect with data science technology. Although both technologies are equal in nature. Generally, data analytics is concerned with “solving the difficult problems with the help of defined data sets” whereas data science is concerned with the development of all-new models and infrastructures via programming or coding.

Website Designing Trend for 2020

Web design trends are always changing. A new crop of design trends emerges every year from last year's work. Some trends are enjoyable, some inspire, and some make our eyes moved. New grows old, and old become new. As a website designing company in Dubai we have identified some emerging web design trends for 2020 and want to share our vision, so you can succeed online.

Mobile Apps Design Trend of 2020

Every year, rapid technological growth has an impact on design trends. As designers, we need to be aware of current and future design trends, to constantly study, improve and expand our design toolkit to keep us updated on the current market. We Royex, A leading mobile app development company in Dubai believes: the aims of the user interface is ALWAYS to enhance customer satisfaction by way of not only improving their appearance, but also optimizing the placement of objects and simplifying the way information is transmitted via the mobile app. Based on our experience, research, and observations, we have selected very carefully some mobile UI/UX design trends that dominate in 2020. If you haven't started to follow these trends, then you might leave behind in the race.

Top Strategic Technology Trends for 2020

This new year, we aim to move forward and expect that this year will bring further developments in many aspects. One of the most ever-evolving aspect is the technology. Technology never stops progress. It keeps on growing. Achieving the best of technology, one has to keep up with the advancements that occur rapidly.

How much does cost make an app like Washmen

Washmen is a mobile app-based laundry service that operates in Dubai and Abu-Dhabi. They provide pick-up and delivery of laundry straight to the doorsteps of their customers. Washmen is the brainchild of Jad Halaoui and Rami Shaar, Chief Operating Officer and Chief Executive Officer of the company respectively. Together, they founded the company in 2015 and have been operating since then.

Digital Marketing Trends in 2020

What should a marketer think of the leading trends when it comes to digital marketing? We, as a major Digital Marketing Agency in Dubai, think it is a simple formula. A top notch content that speaks volumes to its readers in limited words, more advertising channels which makes use of online videos, getting help from social media influencers who can promote your brand

UI and UX Trends for 2020

As a designer, I'm expected to be up-to-date with the industry. By the nature of the work and what resonates within the consumer, I thought I should make a list of emerging developments within the UI / UX world based on this year's results and the innovations that will be mainstreamed in 2020.

Top 10 Effective App Marketing Strategies

You've built an app but you don't have any clue to get people to download and install it? In this article, we will discuss 10 marketing strategies for apps that will help you get more installations. Most of the marketing strategies that we will be covering are free and will take a few hours to set up. We will focus specifically on marketing campaigns that will lead to more app installations and more revenue.

How To Build a Powerful Brand Identity

With millions of companies trying to gain popularity and mass adoption, having a strong brand has become crucial for companies to stand out from their competitors. If you are working to build a brand identity for a client, or you are doing this for your own company, it is important to understand first what a brand is and what it takes to establish one. This is not as easy as it seems.

7 Free and Innovative App Promotion Techniques

Despite the endless hours and expert attention to details, many companies still do not receive the type of adoption they hope for when they release an app in the market. They expect thousands of users flocking to the app store to download their app, but in reality, they get only a dozen installs.

SEO Checklist When Redesigning Your Website

A website redesign can improve the look, conversion rate, UX, and more of your site— but it can also jeopardize your rankings and website traffic. You can modify your domain, subdomains, page-level optimization, and URL structure during the redesign process. You may add or move content within the hierarchy of your site, or erase it.

How to Increase Sales by Improving Your Website Design

An unattractive website is seen as incompetent and amateurish, which is an issue regardless of what kind of viewer you want to target. Whether you're selling goods or services, writing blog posts or sharing your profile with prospective employers, it's essential to have an engaging website that allows users to click around and linger for a while.

Why Saudi Arabia Companies hire Dubai Mobile App Development Company

Mobile apps have become a must-have for businesses all across the globe. Saudi Arabia is no exception to this. For the companies based in KSA and are looking to get a mobile app designed, Dubai might seem like the best option for you to get your app developed.

Things To Do Before Developing a Mobile App

It's just not enough to come up with a unique product concept, no matter what targets you want to pursue it - the mobile app market is just too intense. It gets tougher to stand out, and the commitment is high, given both your time and your budget. Unprepared entry into the development phase of the mobile app will result in expensive, stressful and brand-damaging errors.

Introduction to Enterprise Mobile Application

Enterprises are usually regarded to be large companies that have many many employees. These organizations usually have massive budgets which allow them to be fairly flexible with their expenditure on technology. Enterprises have multiple departments where they work together to accomplish a common goal.
