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How much will it cost to develop Group chat app like YouStar

Chatting apps are of course useful, but making it entertaining, acquire more users. Making the app fun to use is a major task and needs a lot of brainstorming. Creating unique stickers, emojis , games and other interactive elements can make the app interesting and addictive, target users can be the younger generation.

Boom for eCommerce: Websites face high traffic as people stay home due to the Corona Virus outbreak.

As much as you are fulfilling your duty of staying at home and maintaining the social distance, you should be making complete use of this valuable time. Even though you have restrictions on certain things in this crucial time, you are still entitled to your greatest asset, the internet. That being said, the number of visitors and online shoppers are on a tremendous rise since the outbreak of the virus. This is the best time to start, develop and complete your e-commerce website.

Top AWS Cloud Security Tools

Amazon Web Services (AWS) is innovative in its ability to help companies scale their applications and infrastructure dynamically. Furthermore, they were great at baking safety features into their offerings. While taking responsibility for protecting their infrastructure, AWS makes it clear that it is up to customers to guarantee that AWS services are tailored to security practices. They have offered a lot of policies to make that feasible.

COVID 19: The Perfect Time and Opportunity to Start Your Online Business

Do you feel trapped at home because of COVID 19 global lockdown? Are you afraid for your business? The whole world is in lockdown and people are spending their maximum time online. This is the right time to start your online business.

Flutter Mobile Application Development

We live in a world where internet rules every corner of our lives. Many of us skim throughout the day,or switch between multiple devices phones, smart watches, tablets, etc. Flutter on this emerging world where it focuses to move away from any individual devices and let you to use your services in any devices wherever you need them.

Development cost of an e-commerce website and Mobile App like AWOK

Awok is an ecommerce website and application which operates in the United Arab Emirates and Saudi Arabia. What is the development cost of an ecommerce website and mobile app like AWOK in Dubai?

Building Enterprise Mobile Application Using AWS

Enterprise Mobile App relates to a smartphone app used in the corporate world to address an enterprise's issues. Typically speaking, an enterprise application is a very broad and sophisticated technology platform. Mobile enterprise apps are developed to integrate or communicate with other mobile enterprise applications that the organization uses.

Development cost of an eCommerce platform like Carrefour? focuses on day to day needs, groceries, etc, What is the development cost of an ecommerce platform like Carrefour in Dubai? Find in this article.

AWS Architecture for Heavy Traffic

It sounds like everyone wants to create the next great scalable web app today. Now we are able to scale horizontally after decoupling my application-levels. In my application tier, we can use Elastic Load Balancing (ELB) to stand up servers in multiple AZs and load balance incoming traffic through EC2 instances.

Development cost of Pharmacy App like 800 Pharmacy

The healthcare industry has grown massively and one of the reasons being is technological advancement. In this article, we discuss the development cost of a pharmacy app like 800 Pharmacy in Dubai.

Tips to Reduce AWS Cost

The COVID-19 lockdown has severely impacted all aspects of the economy. It has forced cost-cutting everywhere. In these tough times, it is crucial to save money in every way you can. Similarly, when it comes to Amazon Web Services, the same principle applies. The cost of Amazon Web Services (AWS) has been a key market issue in the last decade. This objective of this article is to help you minimize the costs associated with AWS.

Why is Online Grocery Delivery Service the Next Big Thing

The Coronavirus pandemic and the resulting global lockdown due to it has changed how we operate daily. All business has been shut down and is forced to run online. Consumers have cut down their spending to focus their budget on things that are the most essential. As a result, there has been a dramatic rise in demand for online shopping for essentials such as groceries. There have been reports worldwide of retailers struggling to keep up with the demands for online grocery shopping.

How to Host Wordpress Website in AWS

Considering making the leap to install WordPress on AWS directly? Amazon Web Services (AWS) is the biggest provider for cloud hosting services, so it makes sense to consider trying it out. Knowing how to install WordPress on AWS involves a bit more work than with other hosting providers. However, cloud hosting is quickly becoming standard for a lot of businesses.

Auto Backup of Cpanel to S3 using WHM in CentOS7

As most computer users know, you should make a form of backup whenever you add or delete crucial data from your computer just in case something happens that could destroy this information. It may be as easy as accidental or severe deletion as failure of the hard disk. It's no different for your server.

This Is The Time To Build Super Apps And The Cost Of Development

Super app became a trending Model of app development after applications like WeChat and Grab came out. Basically these apps were so quickly so popular that it became a go to application for any needs in Asian countries like China, Japan and Singapore. Here's the cost breakdown to build a super app.

How to Increase Cart Page Efficiency by Improving UX Design

What is the perfect way to design a cart page for an online store? Most designers believe that providing no clutter on the cart screen is the best idea, because the customer can concentrate on shopping. On eCommerce sites like eBay, the strategy is commonly used.

Online Business You Can Start Right Now in Dubai

With the ongoing lockdown , people manage their day-to-day activities from there. Many essential services have transitioned from brick-and-mortar stores to online businesses due to this lockdown. In this article, we will discuss the best online business opportunities in Dubai currently, and how you can get started on them.

Which Cloud Provider Has The Best Tools For Lowering Costs: AWS vs Azure

Comparing Azure vs AWS pricing has always been difficult due to the frequency with which prices change. However, even though a pricing comparison may only have short-term value in terms of what you will pay today for cloud services, comparisons can reveal price differences you may not have previously identified. Also, it helps you to estimate the budget of your software development project.
